Reducing out of service time during a storage tank inspection

Tank Inspection

Non-destructive testing is essential for site and asset safety. However, one of the consequences of testing schedules is the length of time equipment is taken out of service to conduct the test. This is necessary, but disruptive. It impacts work schedules and production schedules. 

At NDT Group we aim to be as creative as possible when providing NDT testing solutions, always looking for ways to reduce disruption to site production and return assets to service as quickly as possible. 

We were pleased to be able to offer just such a solution to an existing client, Veolia when conducting their regular storage tank inspection.

Who are Veolia?

Veolia provide waste management and recycling services, along with energy and water solutions to businesses in the UK and globally.

Their Problem

We have a longstanding relationship with Nationwide Waste Services and inspect four storage tank a year to ensure that the assets’ integrity is sound. Our team normally provide Ultrasonic thickness testing at cardinal points around the tank and vertically to the shell. The client would normally erect scaffolding around the tank so that our technicians can safely access all parts of the tank’s shell. 

Although it keeps our team safe, this safety measure does cause problems for our Client. Not only does the hire of the scaffolding generate an additional cost, it also increases the time that the tank is out of action. It takes a day or two to erect and a day or two to remove the scaffolding. The long shutdown time has an impact on the productivity of the site.

Our Solution

Instead of using hand-held Ultrasonic probes, we trialled using our RMS corrosion mapper. This robotic crawler was mounted on the tank’s shell and travelled methodically over the surface of the tank, gauging the metal’s thickness as it went. The results are fed directly into the computer, creating a permanent record of the test results.

The Result

The time between the test and the tank’s return to service was significantly shortened, reducing the impact on productivity. As no scaffolding was required, the cost of the test was reduced for the Client.

Responsive testing that delivers assurance that your equipment is safe.

Contact us for a quality testing service with a fast report turnaround. We can respond to any challenge.


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